Win BIG In Support of Students & Programs
Total Jackpot, Winner Takes Half.
Our Last Jackpot Raised
Our Upcoming Raffle starts on Early Bird Deadline Grand Prize Deadline [[ currentEndDateTimeFormat ]]
[[ prepend0(previousTimeData[structure]) ]]
[[ prepend0(previousTimeData[structure]) ]]
[[ prepend0(timeData[structure]) ]]
[[ prepend0(timeData[structure]) ]]
[[ getCountdownLabelName(structure) ]]
[[ errorMessage ]]
[[ parseGlobalCountdownFormat(countdownClockFormat) ]]
[[ formatPrizeType(earlyBird).toUpperCase() ]]
[[ formatPrizeTitle(earlyBird.title, earlyBird.quantity) ]]
Deadline: [[ formatDeadlineDate(earlyBird.deadline) ]]
[[ earlyBird.description ]]
Purchase Your Tickets Now!
Thank you to everyone who participated in our 50/50 draw.
Our next one is coming soon so stay tuned!
How It Works
Who You Help
The sole purpose of Monroe Foundation, Inc., is to support and advance the goals and programs of
The Catholic Schools of Fairbanks.
We have been blessed with the generosity of our alumni, parents, grandparents, local businesses and friends.
These blessings are not taken for granted.